Abiding in the Word

Our 2023/24 year-long theme is "Abiding in the Word." Jesus says, “If you abide in my words, you are truly my disciples.” (John 8:31) All year long we will seek ways to abide in the words of Jesus! Our goal is simple: know the Scriptures, strengthen faith, and experience new life in Christ! We believe this year will be the best year ever at St. Paul…a time to READ IT! LEARN IT! LIVE IT! 

How to READ IT!

A Daily Bible Reading Plan has been put together specifically for St. Paul’s Abiding in the Word theme. Download the reading plan from St. Paul’s website or pick up a hard copy in the narthex to track your progress.

How to LEARN IT! 

Personal Devotions (Daily Monday – Saturday): Read on your own or with your spouse the daily readings assigned from the Bible Reading Plan. 

Family Devotions (Daily Monday – Saturday): For those with young children read one story from “The Story Bible” each night after dinner. 

Sunday Morning (9:15-10:15am): It is helpful to think of Sunday as a “morning experience” rather than a one-hour activity. This year, during Sunday School and Bible Class all classes (2 yr. old – Adults) will explore the same story. These stories will cover a summary of the Scriptures. 

Monday Evening (6:00-7:00pm): Our study will follow the daily reading plan. Pastor will pick one of the assigned stories from that week’s daily reading plan to study. There will also be lots of time for questions you have about each week’s daily reading. (September 11 – November 13; January 8 – February 5) 

Wednesday Devotions (8:00am): We will explore the arc narrative of the Scriptures. We will move from Genesis all the way through Revelation. We will also sing hymns, say prayers, and eat breakfast treats. 

St. Paul Women in Mission: A new women’s group that gathers together for fellowship, service, and time in the Word.  

Midweek Advent Services (7:00pm): During our special Midweek services we will hear from the prophets about the coming of our Savior, Jesus. (December 6, 13, 20) 

Midweek Lent Services (7:00pm): Beginning on Ash Wednesday we will explore those unfamiliar stories and less familiar people in the Bible. We will learn how God uses ordinary people like us in His Kingdom. (February 14, 21, 28; March 6, 13, 20). 

How to LIVE IT! 

Faith Conversations: Abiding in the words of Jesus is always done as a community! As we hear and learn God’s Word, we get to share it with others. 

  • Faith at the Table: There is no better time to have a faith conversation than at lunch following the worship service because the service, sermon, and Sunday school lessons are fresh on your mind. Share with your children or spouse your favorite things about today. Ask them about the Sunday school lesson and sermon. Each week, Pastor will provide several questions for your family to think about together! 
  • Faith with friends: Consider joining another family from St. Paul for food and fellowship. While you are together be sure to talk about our church, your faith, and how God is at work in your life. 

Volunteer: Serving others is one of the greatest blessings God offers to us! Acts of selfless service allow us to bring glory to God and shine His light in this world. Whether you are looking to serve at St. Paul or in our community, we invite you to prayerfully consider where God may be nudging you to get involved. Speak with pastor for opportunities to serve! 

Pray: Prayer is a wonderful gift from God! As we hear God’s Word in the Bible, He invites us to respond back to Him in prayer. Purposely set aside time each day for prayer. Examples: Morning and Evening, before and after meals, times of joy and sorrow and thanksgiving.
